scary doll small
Image source unknown, edited by Lenora

It takes a lot to freak me out, as a child I had the kind of bedroom that most of my friends thought was pretty wierd…lots of creepy old stuff, masks, dusty books, moth-eaten old fur stoles from long dead great great aunts….a distinct lack of anything girlie and pink.

Like many children I was compelled to go for piano lessons.  I hated them.  But I loved my piano teacher (a close family friend) and her house – she and it were like something out of another era.  The house was packed full of antique furniture and strange knickknacks.  Mrs A had lived in the far East for a time, and from what I gather, lived in rather grand style.  Even in her old age there was very much something of the Grand Dame of the British Empire about her.  Despite her sometimes imperious manner, she also had a wicked sense of humour, and owned possibly one of the most terrifying dolls I have ever had the misfortune to encounter.

I remember the very first time I saw the doll – I must have been 6 or 7 and I remember loathing it on sight.  It was a Victorian Porcelain doll, with (I swear) GREY hair, glassy staring eyes and a mean little mouth.  And worse of all at some point during its existence the doll had undergone some kind of cranial autopsy courtesy of Hannibal Lecter because the entire top of its head came off  – grey hair and all (as Mrs A loved to demonstrate) – leaving its gimlet eyes staring at you with nothing but empty air above them.  If I managed to hold my nerve when the doll came out to play, I definitely lost it when Mrs A invariably lifted its ghastly lid.  If ever a doll was possessed, as a child, I was convinced that one was….which brings me neatly to the subject of this post.

Robert the Doll

The Otto home, Key West, Florida.  Image source unknown.
The Otto home, Key West, Florida. Image source unknown.

The story of Robert the doll begins in the early years of the twentieth century in Key West Florida in an elegant mansion on the corner of Eaton and Simonton Street.  The Otto family had lived in the house since the mid 1890’s and if you believe the rumours, they were non to kind to their servants.

The story is that the Otto’s young son Robert Eugene was particularly fond of a Bahamian maid who was employed to look after him.  The maid was dismissed in 1906, some say for practicing Voodoo, others that Mrs Otto was jealous of Robert’s fondness for the girl.  Before she left, the girl made a 3 foot tall, button eyed, straw doll for Robert.   Robert adored it.

servant girl blur

Soon the family began to suspect that things were not all that they seemed with Robert and the doll.  Robert was heard whispering to the doll, not so unusual children often confide in dolls, but what was unusual was that the Otto’s and their servants heard another deeper voice answering back…

The doll seemed to exert some kind of hold over the young Robert.  He is said to have begun using his middle name Eugene or Gene because he said the doll’s name was Robert.

Violent commotion was heard in his bedroom at night, upon entering, Gene would be found cowering in his bed, Robert sitting opposite glaring at him with furniture overturned, toys mutilated.  When questioned Gene invariably said ‘It was Robert, Robert did it.’

Robert tumblr_lyfol4mB8l1qctrs7
Robert the doll, image from Tumblr

Soon servants began to leave and the family became convinced that the Bahamian maid had somehow cursed the doll.  The doll was banished to the attic of the family home…it is said that the aunt who put him there died of a stroke that very night.  Despite his banishment  rumours persisted…the sound of tiny footsteps and childish laughter was often heard in the attic….

As Gene grew to become an adult he became an artist and married.  When his parents died he inherited the old family home and he and his wife Annette moved back in.

It was not long before Gene found Robert in the attic and the two were reunited.  The adult Gene was constantly accompanied by Robert much to the distaste of his wife, who is said to have loathed the doll.

Eventually Annette, exasperated by Gene’s obsession with the doll, exiled Robert once again to the attic.  He does not seem to have liked that and Gene is said to have told Annette that Robert had demanded a room with a view of the street.  Naturally Gene obliged and fitted out the Turret room, his studio, for Robert.  Gene would spend hours locked away painting and talking to the doll.

Rumours soon spread about the neighbourhood, children going past the mansion on their way to school would try not to look up at the turret room because Robert had been seen staring malevolently back at them. Worse still, he had been seen running from window to window when the family were out.  People said that the doll was filled with evil voodoo relics, tiny animal bones, had a crystal heart, had human hair…was possessed by evil.

Popular tradition also embroidered the legend to say that Annette died insane because of the cursed doll.  Whether this is true or not, when Gene died in 1974 Annette was sane enough to get out quickly and leave Robert behind.  It is said that Gene Otto’s will stipulated that the house could be leased but that Robert should be left in peace.

The Legend Grows…..

Robert looking rather appealing and cute
Robert looking rather appealing and cute

The new family who took over the old Otto house had a 10-year-old daughter and with the typical perversity of childhood when she saw Robert, she loved him.  Robert however had less than affectionate intentions towards his new owner and soon the girl was having horrific nightmares and had become convinced the doll was trying to kill her.  Even decades later she is still convinced that Robert did attack her and try to kill her.  It was her terrified family who donated Robert to the Fort East Martello Museum where he resides today.

Robert the doll with letters from his victims, image source Tumblr
Robert the doll with letters from his victims, image by Cayobo

Robert sits safely behind glass in the Museum, travelling once a year to the Old Post Office to be displayed and occasionally featuring in paranormal conventions.  Yet despite being over 100 years old, and looking a little worse for wear, Robert is still a force to be reckoned with.  Museum staff claim he has been found in different positions, cameras break in his presence, footsteps are heard around the museum at night, and his expression is known to change in a way that can chill the blood.  Visitors are advised to seek Robert’s permission before photographing him, or risk being cursed, in fact letters from apologetic photographers cover the walls of his display cabinet.

The truth behind the curse…

Many people visit Robert as sceptics and leave convinced that there is something to the story.  But how much of the story is real?  The doll, it turns out, was actually manufactured by German toymaker and presented to Gene as gift from his grandfather. So the story of the Bahamian servant and her black magic, is just that, a story. 

Is it also not possible that Robert Gene Otto, dropped the  name Robert, simply because his father was also called Robert? Perhaps it was easier for the family to distinguish between the two of them that way?

During Atlantic Paranormal Society’s Convention in Clearwater, FL., Sandy Duveau captured Robert’s Aura with a special camera

The voodoo (or should that be hoodoo) association is enforced by the long-held belief that Robert the doll’s hair is made from human hair, more precisely the hair of Gene Otto himself, and that it has grayed over time.  However, tests have revealed the hair to be a natural fibre such as wool.

It has to be said that museum has a vested interest in keeping the curse story alive, there is a website, Facebook page and twitter account for Robert; and after all who doesn’t enjoy the frisson of coming face to face with something really long as it is safely contained behind glass…

I wonder whether the curse of Robert the doll, hasn’t actually become real simply because people want it to be real.  The idea of the curse has been reinforced for nearly 100 years now, strange things do happen around Robert.  While it is unlikely the conjuring was carried out by the ‘Bahamian maid’, it may well have been carried out by all of us, every time we politely ask Robert for permission to take his photo….just to be on the safe side…

You can visit Robert at the Fort East Martello Museum.

Her is a short film about Robert the Doll from You Tube:


32 responses to “Robert the doll: The Haunted Doll of Key West”

  1. Very little frightens me, but dolls, mannikins and clowns definitely give me the creeps. Good story and sources.

    1. JOHN L TRAVIS avatar

      I wonder how many people on this blog, first, have even been in the house and more importantly ever lived in it…I lived there for 3 weeks in 1980…painting the interior while there. My friend and fellow painter slept in the “cursed” room upstairs where the doll had been….I worked for the owner of the house at that time…who was turning it into a guest house….in face, she was the person who renamed it The Artist House from its previous: “Ott House”…..William Shatners “Ghost hunt: notwithstanding….nothing spooky when i lived there,,,stayed in the now Guest House near the room I had lived in; as well as my friend who had lived in “Robert’s Room” who had stopped there earlier. The difference between our experience from others’ ghost story was they were looking for Robert….neither of us nor apparently the owner at the time had been told anything about Robert, the artist’s adventures etc. consequently had no experiences maybe because we had no reason to expect it.

  2. Thanks! Yup – dolls and clowns – can’t get much scarier!

  3. I find this story really creepy. To be honest I think that Gene is far more terrifying than the doll. Did you read anything about him beating his wife, I have this vague recollection of reading something like that once? Great post anyway, keep them coming!

  4. I have you to thank for putting me on to this topic Miss Jessel! Yes, Gene was pretty strange, and yes, one source did suggest he and his wife had a difficult relationship.

    1. No problem. I felt that your creative skills would best suit this topic, knowing how you feel about dolls. I’m not that keen on old dolls myself, the ones with the bizarre glass eyes and to be honest I think cabbage patch dolls were a completely unnecessary addition to the genre! If anyone is interested in more creepy doll stories, they should check out Annabelle, the raggedy Anne doll.

  5. Reblogged this on Blau Stern Schwarz Schlonge and commented:
    Here is a great spooky story from Lenora of The Haunted Palace about her own experience with a weird old doll and her telling of the story of Robert the Doll. I personally also find few things freaky, but dolls and manikins and clowns still do that for me. Enjoy!

  6. Creepy! And the doll looks fairly harmless, too. Thanks for this.

    The early childhood part of the story reminded me of the short story “Sambo” by W. F. Harvey. Unfortunately I can’t find it online (not surprising, with that title). I wondered as I was reading your post whether maybe Harvey had heard this legend and borrowed from it. The story is from 1910; the timeline might work out…

  7. Intriguing…I have never heard of that story (as you say, with a title like that….!). The story of the doll really seems to have taken off over a period of years, so Harvey’s story might be a little too early to be linked but who knows…? Robert has inspired other creepy doll stories though, he is the inspiration behind Chucky in the Child’s Play films!

    1. The story must have ” really took off” after a period of 30 years. I worked and lived in the house doing painting renovation for a short time in 1980. My working partner stayed upstairs and I slept downstairs Neither us heard, felt or saw anything extraordinary when we were there. In fact neither of us had heard of Robert the Doll . I wish I could find the owner, who I worked for (after the screaming girl left). She didn’t say anything about it either.

      1. Wow, that is amazing that you actually stayed in the house and it’s very interesting that you didn’t experience anything unusual. It would be fascinating to hear from the owner that you worked for…I often wonder how much of tales such as this is simply down to people expecting something to happen because a place develops a reputation. If you ever do track that owner down, I would love to hear what they have to say about the legend! Thanks for your comments! Lenora

      2. I knew her. We related to each other as friends. I had done work for her in Delaware'(my home)..a large Victorian house. She wanted me to come to Key West to paint this beautiful Victorian house which she said she named Artist House because artists had lived there and it seemed fitting. I have pictures of it at that time. I think I would have had a lot of fun had I heard it was haunted. She wanted me to paint the outside but that didn’t happen. Her name is Nancy Tazz well. That’s probably not the right spelling. I only found out about it being famous a few years ago when a saw a little souveneir woodcarving of it and said ” hey I painted that”

      3. Wow, that is fantastic. I have to admit I would have been tempted to play a few tricks on people if I had been in the house at the time and knew the story!

      4. Where are you that is 7:01 PM ? I’m writing at 3:56 PM ? Anyway, that’s just the thing…there would be no reason to play tricks because none of us had ever heard of Robert. I hadn’t read anything about while I was there. This legend began after I was there. It would have been fun if I had heard the story while I was there..I heard plenty of noises..wind blowing doors and windows etc. But that is all it was.. I’m not trying to debunk the story because people like to believe those things. If there was a way to send you some pictures I would. Thanks a lot for continuing the conversation. I hate to say it but i think Gene was mentally ill and the girl was hysterical…what little girl who had been told there was a ghost in her house wouldn’t suppose the noises were the doll..and become hysterical.

      5. I think there is room for both sides of the story – skeptical and believer. Some of the sources I read made suggestions that would explain Gene’s behaviour in terms of mental health issues…nevertheless as you say, people like to believe these things, and a good story is a good story!

        I’m writing from the UK, so I think there is a bit of a time difference if you are in the US! It would certainly be great to see your picutures of the Artists house. Thanks, Lenora.

      6. Here are some of the pix. The dating can be evidenced by the car model…the Ford was made in late 70’s. No one would think it is 35 yrs. old. Anyway, the pix are of the outside of the house except the one with angel..did the little girl sleep here? ? A picture has my helper on balcony. One of the outside picture is of the woman who named it the Artist House. I do have  comment to add to the the mystery…when I was brought down from Delaware to paint she said the reason was because the local workers were not always reliable; they would sometimes come to paint and not come back. She said it was just the pace of island. But maybe the workers knew of the haunting and didn’t want to work there. Maybe she didn’t want to tell me that. I is great talking to you. I feel kind of cheated because I missed the TV shows and didn’t have a clue of the legend. Hope the pictures come through.


      7. It looks like the pictures didn’t come through :0( I don’t quite know how the comments work with photos! I would have loved to see them. You’re additional reflection on your time at the house, adds a bit of a spooky dimension to things…I wonder if those workers did know something of the reputation of the house……?

      8. i don’t think you can attach pics to a comment on WP. He would have to attach them to your email addy.

      9. Ahh, that would make sense!

  8. Very strange story- and the museum sounds like it has some tales of its own too!

  9. […] more interesting connection is the legend behind Robert, the Haunted Doll of Key West. Robert is a real doll, a straw doll made for the son of a wealthy family named Robert Eugene Otto, […]

  10. I found this article on the psychology of haunted houses etc you may find of interest.

    1. Fabulous, thank you, I have started reading it and it looks really interesting!

      1. I commented on your comments some time ago…about me having stayed in the house in 1980..worked for the woman who named it The Artist
        House…I am returning next week, maybe Robert will visit me this time

      2. Fantastic – let me know if anything strange happens!

      3. No, nothing strange…..I went up to the room where the doll was taken from….small bedroom barely big enough for a double bed. There are spiral stairs leading up to it from the suite below. The room i had previously stayed in was adjacent to the one I rented..they had named it “Ann’s room.’ The housekeeper let me in to see it….felt very nostalgic and of course told everyone that that is where I had stayed. The current owners bought it in 2007 from previous owners who had purchased it from the person I had worked for in 1980. In fact, the new owners, a British couple, were interested in establishing when it had first been converted to BB. It really is a beautiful charming place.
        You must go to Key West…it was Spring break, and Duval Street… a mini New Orleans French Quarter was like a mini Mardi Grau…one can drink on the streets..carry drinks from one bar to another and just have a party mood every night (surprisingly….it wasn’t a drunken rowdy experience.) And of course the Sunset Celebration, when most of the town migrates to the west side to watch the sun drop down into the ocean and then everyone shouts and claps as the bands blast…and soon after, the migration back to town.
        Surprisingly, the owners didn’t mention the doll story except to say how much the tour buses enhance this little legend…no one was there out of curiosity regarding the doll….guests never heard the story until they got there and showed no sign of interest…BUT, WE MUST KEEP THE STORY GOING!

      4. It sounds like you had a great trip back to Robert’s house and Key West sounds wonderful. One day, one day….

        It would be very sad if the story of Robert the Doll was forgotten, especially in the house where it all began, mind you I don’t think that will happen just yet – I am sure that Robert will be around for a good while yet – stalking the imagination of visitors to Key West!

      5. U want scary dolls etc? Go to my friend SS’s photo website and do a search

      6. Eeeek, you’re not kidding. I will be sleeping with the light on tonight!

      7. He he he. Doesn’t he do some amazing pics? The dolls disturb me the most….. and the clowns…..

  11. I am so sorry Robert

  12. Robert was made by Steiff and given to him by this father.

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